Sevenstep Team | August 28, 2019
philanthropy, culture, and values run deep. This summer was a good show of
that. Our flagship corporate responsibility platform, Sevenstep Cares, continued
to make impacts throughout the communities where we live and work, including making
another appearance at Derby Day in Boston, partnering with a nonprofit in
Denver, and hanging out with a bunch of dogs in the U.K for the Great British
Dog Walk.
us, volunteer time is time well spent.
Day – Boston, MA
House. Always Dreaming. Nyquist. These are the names of three of the 145
winning horses in the Kentucky Derby this year. On a day known for gambling,
fancy hats and big parties, Sevenstep employees spent the day winning in their
own way: volunteering.
10th annual Sandra K. Russell Derby Day Benefit for Mito was held on May 4th in
Boston. Sevenstep employees volunteered by setting up, greeting guests,
managing betting tables and running auctions. The event is held in honor of
Sandra Russell who lost her battle to mitochondrial disease in 2008. To date,
Derby Day has raised over $1.2 million towards improving the lives of patients
and families suffering from mitochondrial disease, and we’re happy to be a part
of it.
just incredibly rewarding to play a part in a just cause that helps people. And
a few hours of unloading stuff helped me get my steps in.” – Ryan
Dulac, Director, Client Services

the Cause Community Day – Denver, CO
a year, nearly 1,000 volunteers come together and dedicate six hours to help 50
nonprofits on AMP the Cause Community Day. Sevenstep employees spent this
year’s Community Day at Girls, Inc., a nonprofit dedicated to developing “the
whole girl” – one that is strong, smart, and bold, through direct service and
laminated, re-papered bulletin boards, decorated cubbies, washed dishes,
dusted, swept, pulled weeds, and completed various other ‘prep-work’ tasks to
get the facility ready for summer camp. Each summer, girls spend time at Girls,
Inc., where they are encouraged to express themselves with enthusiasm, take
risks, strive freely, and prepare for interesting work and economic
was so rewarding. Personally, I've done a lot of Sevenstep Cares events, but
helping out at Girls Inc. where I connected with and fully support their
mission, it really resonated with me. Great day overall!” – Rebecca
Lebar, Senior Sourcer

British Dog Walk – Devon, U.K.
employees (plus one furry friend) in Devon partnered with Hearing Dogs for Deaf
People to put on the Great British Dog Walk. Hearing Dogs provides vital
hearing dogs for people with severe and profound hearing loss. Our teammates
got tails wagging by registering walkers, selling merchandise, running games,
and serving cakes.
only did the event raise money for the cause, it also raised critical awareness,
including providing information on how to go about getting a hearing dog. Our
thoughts: how can you beat a charity event that has as many dogs as people? It
was a great day.
our Sevenstep team made such a big impact that they got a personal thank-you
note from the organization’s Community Fundraising Manager, Vicky Ryan. “I
just wanted to say a massive thank you for your help on Saturday. I really
appreciate how willing you all were to muck in and help where you were needed.
Events like that don’t work unless there are people like you there.”